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Posted on Wednesday, April 10, 2002 - 06:41 am:   Edit PostPrint Post

This morning's online NY Times carries an
important article of which all writers should be

It reports on the Authors Guild's and others'
dissatisfaction with Amazon's policy of selling
used copies of your book on the same page where a
new copy is promoted. The Authors Guild is asking
authors to sever their Amazon ties on their
personal websites.

Please read the whole text of the article. It is
to your benefit to do so.

F.E. Mazur, SPINE
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C. E. Winterland

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Posted on Wednesday, April 10, 2002 - 07:28 am:   Edit PostPrint Post


Thanks for that post.

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Posted on Wednesday, April 10, 2002 - 06:43 pm:   Edit PostPrint Post

I could only open a New York Times log on page. Is there anyway to view the article without signing up?

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LaurieAnne Cruea

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Posted on Wednesday, April 10, 2002 - 07:56 pm:   Edit PostPrint Post


The internet version of the NY Times is free. However, the article doesn't say much more than what was sumarized in FE's post.
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Vickie Adkins

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Posted on Wednesday, April 10, 2002 - 08:51 pm:   Edit PostPrint Post

I saw an article on this same topic on MSNBC-The Today Show. It was surrounded by advertisements for B&N! :)

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Posted on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 07:06 am:   Edit PostPrint Post

It said more than my summary, including the following:

1) Barnes and Noble is more in line with the Authors Guild. Although it too sells used books, those books are in a remote corner, not on the same page as the new book, which is the practice of Amazon.;

2) Amazon openly courts its buyers to sell back the books you bought from them. Any of you who have purchased a quantity of books from Amazon know what I am talking about. Soon appearing on your screen at home is an offer to sell back your books to Amazon, plus they mention the amount you will receive;

3) The Guild and other authors believe that many of the used copies are actually reviewer copies. Think about that. Topknotch reviewers receive hundreds of free books, review but a handful, and sell the rest for profit. If this is indeed happening, it's a sorry mark on reviewers;

4) The resale of books is profitable for Amazon. Needless to say, it is just the opposite for the author and his/her publisher;

5) The article mentioned that online sales still account for only 10 percent of book sales.

F.E. Mazur, SPINE
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Barbie Perkins Cooper

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Posted on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 09:14 am:   Edit PostPrint Post

This opens an interesting topic that I am most curious about, and will probably start a bit of controversy with some of the POD authors:

Here is my scenario:

Although I am no longer with PA, when I was finally released, I received notification that none of my books were available for me to purchase. PA stated and I have the e-mail to prove it --

The only stock left was 7 books printed and no longer suitable for distribution, because they were in 'used condition.'

Now, if you pull up Condition of Limbo on Amazon, used copies of the book are available for a lower price.

My concern is when those 'used copies' are sold -- will I get royalties for them? I have my doubts.

Something to think about. Please don't 'blast' or attack me for speaking the truth once again!
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Posted on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 09:35 am:   Edit PostPrint Post

First, you're assuming the 'used' books on Amazon actually exist. They may not. Second, that they are the same books you referenced to PA. Big jumps in either case.

F.E. Mazur
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The other Kevin

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Posted on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 09:43 am:   Edit PostPrint Post

There's nothing to attack. I doubt you would get royalties on them. I hope, at the very least, they end up in the hands of someone that can make a difference.

A different subsidy publisher that I had talked with (ok I had sent the money in to, about $5000 dollars for their services but only because they were the first step to a larger company that would buy the book rights after two thousand copies sold.) told me of one of their clients who only sold ten books or less for the five dimes. big loss right? Wrong, one of those copies ended up in the hands of a hollywood producers son who then gave it to his dad. The book, it was called "Side Kicks". It was about a boy who daydreamed about being a side kick to Chuck Norris. It is an actual movie now many years old. Her book rights netted her enough for a GOOD car plus refill her bank account.

It's always a matter of getting that one book into the hands of the one person to turn a success. A couple PA authors cn tell you about that as theirs are in the movie process right now. They may not sell much to begin with but when the movie comea out they will start selling.
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Posted on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 11:24 am:   Edit PostPrint Post

ToK - what a cute story about Side Kicks! The movie was really stupid, but my son loved it when he was about 11 years old, because he is a Kung Fu buff. For that age group, it was adorable. I can't wait to tell him about the book story.

And ToK, did I catch you correctly when I read that you paid a publisher $5,000? Aye, aye, aye. I hope I understood that wrong.

About the used books - a friend of mine works for a newspaper, and her significant other works in a bookstore. Both of them get advance and review copies of books. The (traditional) publishers send them directly to them; to the bookstore hoping they will stock the book, and to the newspaper hoping they will review the book. They each get dozens and dozens of free books every year. I know they have both sold some of these free books at a local independent bookstore that pays them cash. I'm pretty sure neither of them have ever put the books on Amazon, however. But the thing is, I doubt either of them have ever thought about the fact that these books will not earn royalties for the author. I do know that the publishers do not want them back, because they have both tried to give them back before. I guess I will mention the NY Times article to my friends, because I know they would want to "do the right thing" by those authors. Its an interesting topic - one I'm sure they just never thought of before. I wouldn't have thought of it had someone not brought it to my attention.

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The other Kevin

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Posted on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 01:10 pm:   Edit PostPrint Post

I was GOING to pay him. I actually put the check in the mail with contract two hours before PA's e-mailed acceptance arrived. I called the guy (we've talked about five hours already about the book and what we needed to do with it. A very nice man that I occasionally wonder about how things would be different) and he understood. The check and contract came back to me, unopened. We (my wife and I) decided that getting published was an act of faith (I write Christian fiction, you had to know I'd go here eventually). It was a matter of accepting that now was the time for the book and sending the money in. When PA accepted it that same day the very first thought that went through my head, after a few seconds of staring blankly at the screen, was I was being tested to see if I was willing to stand by my work.

Can't wait to see the debate that starts. Maybe it should start with a new thread.
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Posted on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 04:28 pm:   Edit PostPrint Post

TOK, do you now think you should have implemented the "what we needed to do with it"? Or did you have PA print the revised version? It sounds like you stuck with the original... One concern I have with PA is that they don't offer suggestions for structural editing (or any editing); they just accept the ms as is. You may never know how much better the book could have been unless it's collected comments from professional editors beforehand. I've read some good PA books that could easily have been so much better. I think it should be the duty of every publisher to provide the public with offerings that are, at the very least, properly formatted and grammatically correct, with proper use of words ("disbelief" not "unbelief", and "elusive" instead of "illusive" where the meaning was clearly "unable to be grasped." These are just recent examples I came across). I've heard it said on another board that the majors make errors, too, and they do, but not in the zillions.
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Posted on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 07:00 pm:   Edit PostPrint Post


Those errors that you gave as examples are not errors a writer should make. Period. They very well could be the torpedo that sinks your manuscript with the bigger houses.

F.E. Mazur
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LaurieAnne Cruea

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Posted on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 07:35 pm:   Edit PostPrint Post


The debate you expect will not arise here. At least, it hasn't in the past. Therefore, I do not see why it should now.

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Nancy Marie

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Posted on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 08:13 pm:   Edit PostPrint Post

TOK - I had a very, very similiar experience to yours. And, I believe, no I know, the answer I got was to go ahead and sign the contract. I had hesitated for close to two months, and then prayed about and asked for a specific sign, it came in the mail two hours later, so I knew I was supposed to sign with PA.

No hesitation after that, and I knew what I was getting myself into, for the most part. There have been a couple of problems, which I handled with my traditional immaturity. But, I am learning to control my temper and my mouth via the internet.

smiles and blessings, Kitty
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The other Kevin

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Posted on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 09:23 pm:   Edit PostPrint Post


To answer your question I did make changes to the manuscript based on the conversations we had. My problem, and I didn't realize how rampant it was until it was pointed out to me, is that I "see" my books but I write so fast that i miss the details that a new reader would want. Just before I sent the manuscript in to PA I wne through and add the details in the areas that needed it. I found a lot more for the proof pages. It is a major reason I will never read "Exile" again. I don't want to look at it and think "oh, I should have added this scene." I know, I'm just being silly.
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Vickie Adkins

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Posted on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 09:35 pm:   Edit PostPrint Post

PA was the first publisher to contact me. I prayed about it and thought about it for about two weeks. I didn't feel that I SHOULDN'T sign, so I thought, why not?

Although many of us have hit little bumps along the way, there are a few who've hit craters! I feel if I gain nothing more from signing with PA, (other than the whole experience), I've gained many friends, and much much knowledge.

BUT, I think I've learned more from the friends I've met along the way than I've learned from my whole publishing experience. This knowledge has helped to make me a better writer. Mindsightseries is a great forum! The critiques, and weekly tips are the best!

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Jennifer Lynn

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Posted on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 10:01 pm:   Edit PostPrint Post

oh wow...would love to comment here, but this is a public board.....No, nothing about what any of you have said, its what I could say....
Yes, Mindsight is great for sharing information and learning from each other Vickie. I dont' see why anyone must frequent only ONE board...there's too much experience out there.

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Jennifer Lynn

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Posted on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 10:08 pm:   Edit PostPrint Post

As for editing.....I have had a pretty good experience so far, of course I've not seen my book in its final form yet, but my final proofs looked great, with all the changes I wanted in it. There was also some errors that I hadn't picked up caught for me, little things but they would have stuck out like a sore thumb to a reviewer. And as far as my first publishing experience goes, I'm learning lots...about marketing, promotion, networking and the process in general. So far its been a positive experience. Keeping my fingers crossed it remains that way.

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Vickie Adkins

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Posted on Friday, April 12, 2002 - 09:49 am:   Edit PostPrint Post


I frequent many boards, and I also belong to several writing lists. Not quite sure what you're getting at....

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Jennifer Lynn

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Posted on Friday, April 12, 2002 - 11:22 am:   Edit PostPrint Post

I think what I meant is that we shouldn't be made to feel traitorous for frequenting other boards. Maybe its just me, but I've had the odd comments cast in my direction for my choice of forums. I guess my comments came out sounding funny, I was tired when I wrote them!

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Nancy Marie

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Posted on Friday, April 12, 2002 - 11:32 am:   Edit PostPrint Post

Hi Jenn, I have also had "comments" cast in my direction for visiting and posting on other boards. Hmm...I always thought America was a "free" country.

I know I said I wasn't going to post on a particular board, and then turned around and posted there again. But, there are some nice people on other boards, and sometimes I can offer some advice, whether it's good or not, remains to be seen.

And, most recently Violet has experienced another terrible tradegy. Her brother-in-law hung himself a few days ago. This is after the hanging suicide of her son's step-daughter's birth father just last month. She sounds like she's reeling and I wanted to offer my support.

And, if I get blasted for posting on other boards, well, so be it.

smiles and blessings, Kitty

smiles and blessings, Kitty
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Jennifer Lynn

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Posted on Friday, April 12, 2002 - 11:50 am:   Edit PostPrint Post

Violet is doing much better, but still reeling from the events. I know your well wishes were appreciated. I talk to her almost every morning before work through yahoo messenger. It's becoming a morning ritual while we have our coffee together. It's quite nice..she's in GA and I'm in Alberta Canada, but still we manage.
As for not posting on the PA board, why shouldn't you? You are an author there, so you should have the right. Not only that, you have the opportunity to share your experiences, thoughts and feelings with others, as well as learn or maybe even teach a newbie or two something they didn't know. In case you haven't noticed, I'm huge on learning new promo tricks, and I have no problem with sharing what I discover either.

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Vickie Adkins

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Posted on Friday, April 12, 2002 - 01:10 pm:   Edit PostPrint Post


You shouldn't allow anyone to make you feel that way. I sure don't! But I'd be lying if I said I didn't have my favorites. Mindsightseries is definitely one of my favorites, but I have others as well. Unless you're purposely trying to hurt someone or stir up trouble (and I don't think you were), you won't get bashed here for presenting your ideas, theories, or opinions.

I was just confused for a sec. I post at several boards, so I wasn't sure what you were talking about.


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Jennifer Lynn

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Posted on Friday, April 12, 2002 - 03:39 pm:   Edit PostPrint Post

It's okay Vickie..I'm frequently confused. It's not a bad place to be!! ROFL

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Dr. Ralph Minogue

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Posted on Friday, April 19, 2002 - 09:41 am:   Edit PostPrint Post

Hi all,

Does anyone know how I can get Amazon to pull my book listing … I have purchased all available copies from Ingram’s and sent Amazon 3 emails to which I have yet to receive a reply … BAM and B & N pulled the listing automatically but Amazon lingers … this has been a very frustrating and expensive learning experience (buying back my copies alone has cost me over $400) … argh X infinity to the tenth power :) :(

They also show used copies and “collector” copies … which I doubt very much they have …


Dr. Ralph Minogue
Responsibility To,
Responsibility For
ISBN 1-58851-576-1
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Kevin P. Grover

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Posted on Friday, April 19, 2002 - 10:12 am:   Edit PostPrint Post

Send a message to the following:

Explain that the book in question is out-of-print, include the ISBN number, and request that it not be made available for future purchase.
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Dr. Ralph Minogue

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Posted on Friday, April 19, 2002 - 04:39 pm:   Edit PostPrint Post

Message sent ... we'll see ... thanks Kevin
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Dr. Ralph Minogue

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Posted on Friday, April 19, 2002 - 05:25 pm:   Edit PostPrint Post


Dr. Minogue,

Thanks for writing to us. We've received both of your messages.

We have corrected the availability of this item to out-of-print.
This change will appear online within 3-5 business days.

As you may know, we offer customers the opportunity to locate
out-of-print books through our Marketplace feature, so we do
not remove out-of-print listings.

Thanks for your understanding. We appreciate your interest in!

Best regards,

Julie, Book Catalog Dept., Inc.

As the title of this thread suggests ... Amazon is going to make a buck somehow

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